Monday, October 31, 2011

The First Week

Happy Halloween!

Well, we've officially been home with Noah for a week now.  It doesn't seem like it's been that long.  Believe it or not, I thought it would be harder than what it has been and I am pleasantly surprised by that.  I'm sure it will be much more difficult when Dusty goes back to work on the 7th.  Noah is a wonderful baby.  We never experienced the sleepy newborn stage with Landon because he had acid reflux since birth, which eventually ended up being intussusception, but I'll save that story for a later date.

Our first night home was a complete disaster.  We live with my parents right now since I lost my job in June so Landon sleeps in the basement with us so we don't have separate rooms.  The only thing separating Landon from any noises or lights in the basement is a curtain we hung.  Anytime Noah would cry, Landon would as well.  Poor Landon was inconsolable.  I felt so bad for him.  Both boys ended up in bed with us.  I know they (whoever they is) say that you shouldn't put a baby in bed with you, but Noah sleeps 3-4 hours at a time this way and I can easily respond to him when he wakes up, which prevents Landon from waking up as well.

We had another rough night on Thursday and I didn't end up going to bed until after 4:30 in the morning.  Noah has decided that 1:00am is the magic time to be most alert.  I plan on working on this when he turns 2 weeks old and can start differentiating between day and night.  Other than that, Landon sleeps all night and Dusty gets him ready to go to the sitter.  I'm a little concerned with how this is all going to work out when Dusty goes back to work. 

What happens if Noah wakes up to eat while I'm trying to get Landon ready?  What am I going to do when both boys are crying at the same time?  Who do I respond to first?  Any suggestions are welcome! 

I really should start working on my Math homework that I missed last week and try to understand the material I wasn't present for while both boys are asleep.  Before I go, here are some pictures of our Halloween this year for your viewing pleasure:


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