Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Deja Vu

Noah is asleep on my chest as I'm writing this.  We don't have many moments like these it seems.  Noah was diagnosed with acid reflux last week.  Landon had it when he was this age too.  We aren't able to give him the recommended dosage of Zantac for his weight until he is a month old so he is currently on a smaller dose.  I'm hoping that we'll see this "liquid gold" work it's magic next week when we can give him the full dose.  For now, he acts like Landon did.  I'm glad we caught it early.  I don't think Landon was diagnosed and treated for it until he was 8 weeks old.  I'm a little disappointed that we're going through this again, to be honest.  I think one experience with a baby who has reflux is enough to last a lifetime, but God has other plans.  It breaks my heart to see him in pain.  I'm starting to think that the parents out there who say that their children started sleeping through the night since birth, ate once every 4 hours, and only cried on very rare occasions are full of crap.

My best friend is adjusting beautifully to motherhood.  I didn't expect anything less from her.  I'm glad that we're able to raise our children together.  Her daughter is absolutely precious.  We're going to have a "play date" tomorrow, Noah permitting.

Landon is getting so big.  He amazes me every day.  He can now pick mommy, daddy, gammy, and gampy out in the pictures my mom has of us hanging in the hallway.  When Dusty picked Landon up at the sitter today he put his head on Dusty's shoulder and started patting Dusty's back.  He did the same thing to me when I got home from class tonight.  He can say "kitty" and "sit," although "sit" sounds more like a curse word.  He also says "here" and "that."  "That" sounds like "tha.....t" with a heavy emphasis on the "t."  His favorite word is "neh," which, in Landon speak, means "no."  He makes me laugh so much.

We get closer to Noah feeling better every week that goes by.  I hate acid reflux.  If it had a face, I would punch it.  I'm suppose to be enjoying how little Noah is, but I'm wishing this time away and praying that it will get easier sooner.

I am still blessed beyond words.  If having a fussy baby with acid reflux is the biggest thing I have to complain about, then I still think I'm doing pretty darn good.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Remember when? Not really...

Noah's pictures we rescheduled for today still didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped.  Oh well, that's a newborn for ya.

I mentioned before briefly that Landon had severe acid reflux from birth to about three and a half months of age.  This resulted in many sleepless nights as my husband and I took turns trying our hardest to soothe our inconsolable baby.  Seriously, we were up every half hour some nights. 

The funny thing about this is, looking back, I don't really remember how tired I was.  The only things I remember (and cherish) about the early months with Landon is his first real smile, his first laugh, and how excited we were to see him grow.

I'm sure it will be the same with Noah.  After he starts sleeping through the night, the feelings of fatigue will be a distant memory and I'll have the fulfillment of seeing him reach each new exciting milestone.

Thanks for reading my random thought of the day.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tomorrow Will Be Better...I Hope.

Last night was another rough night and today wasn't any better.  We were all set to get Landon's 12 month pictures and Noah's newborn pictures done today.  Landon did wonderful!  Noah, however, didn't want anything to do with it.  We rescheduled his newborn portraits to be done on Friday, when he's hopefully a happier baby.  **Fingers crossed!**  I'm pretty sure his stomach was upset because we haven't heard him cry like that since we brought him home.  He seems to be feeling better now and is sleeping in Dusty's arms.  I actually got to take a little "me" time and soaked in a scolding hot bath for a little while tonight.

I sat up crying while I was holding little Noah last night, hoping he would settle down and go to sleep.  I felt so guilty for missing how easy it was getting with Landon.  I love both of my boys more than anything on this earth, but I was really starting to feel the effects of sleep deprivation today.  Dusty was great last night.  He held Noah and got him to go to sleep while I took a breather upstairs.  I am very fortunate and blessed to have such a supportive, strong husband to lean on.

So, hopefully tonight and tomorrow will go a little more smoothly than today did.  We will have good days and we will have bad days.  Today was a bad day.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I was called "Supermom" quite a few times when people found out that I worked full time, went to school, and was a mom all at the same time.  I've been called this even more-so now that I have two children under the age of 2 (and Noah is only a few days shy of being 2 weeks old, mind you) and I am going to school.  I'm glad some people think so highly of me, but truth be told, I couldn't do it without the support of my wonderful husband and amazing family.

My husband does Landon's bedtime routine every night without fail.  He bathes him, rocks him, and puts him to bed.  He has done this since I started having pre-term contractions during my pregnancy with Noah and continues to do so while I nurse Noah or try to complete a few assignments for my classes.

Additionally, my parents have been a huge support and have lovingly opened their home to us so I can finish my degree without having to juggle work on top of raising 2 wonderful boys.

To me, the term "Supermom" should be reserved for those mothers who are doing everything I am doing (and then some) without support.  You know, the single-mommies out there that work full time, go to school, and take care of their children.  These women amaze.  My mother-in-law comes to mind when I think of "Supermom."  She raised 5 children, mainly on her own, and held down multiple jobs in the meantime.  My mom is "Supermom" as she worked 60+ hours a week but still found the time to devote to me, her only child.

So, I am flattered when someone calls me "Supermom," but I know so many more women that deserve that title so much more than I do.