Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I was called "Supermom" quite a few times when people found out that I worked full time, went to school, and was a mom all at the same time.  I've been called this even more-so now that I have two children under the age of 2 (and Noah is only a few days shy of being 2 weeks old, mind you) and I am going to school.  I'm glad some people think so highly of me, but truth be told, I couldn't do it without the support of my wonderful husband and amazing family.

My husband does Landon's bedtime routine every night without fail.  He bathes him, rocks him, and puts him to bed.  He has done this since I started having pre-term contractions during my pregnancy with Noah and continues to do so while I nurse Noah or try to complete a few assignments for my classes.

Additionally, my parents have been a huge support and have lovingly opened their home to us so I can finish my degree without having to juggle work on top of raising 2 wonderful boys.

To me, the term "Supermom" should be reserved for those mothers who are doing everything I am doing (and then some) without support.  You know, the single-mommies out there that work full time, go to school, and take care of their children.  These women amaze.  My mother-in-law comes to mind when I think of "Supermom."  She raised 5 children, mainly on her own, and held down multiple jobs in the meantime.  My mom is "Supermom" as she worked 60+ hours a week but still found the time to devote to me, her only child.

So, I am flattered when someone calls me "Supermom," but I know so many more women that deserve that title so much more than I do.


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