Friday, November 4, 2011

Remember when? Not really...

Noah's pictures we rescheduled for today still didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped.  Oh well, that's a newborn for ya.

I mentioned before briefly that Landon had severe acid reflux from birth to about three and a half months of age.  This resulted in many sleepless nights as my husband and I took turns trying our hardest to soothe our inconsolable baby.  Seriously, we were up every half hour some nights. 

The funny thing about this is, looking back, I don't really remember how tired I was.  The only things I remember (and cherish) about the early months with Landon is his first real smile, his first laugh, and how excited we were to see him grow.

I'm sure it will be the same with Noah.  After he starts sleeping through the night, the feelings of fatigue will be a distant memory and I'll have the fulfillment of seeing him reach each new exciting milestone.

Thanks for reading my random thought of the day.


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